Some health care reformers may recall that in 1994 the makers of Sim-City produced a Sim-Health computer program.  The program, labeled by some as the “dryest
simulation game ever made, allowed users to take control of the US
health care system and observe the results of their decisions.   Now,
taking a similar yet more user-friendly approach, Community Catalyst and Families USA have teamed up to provide health care advocates with a web-based guide
for developing state expansions of health coverage. The navigable
service walks you through the various steps and questions you need to
ask when developing programs to expand access to health coverage, as
well as quality improvement and cost containment initiatives. Topics
include: expansion of public programs like Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program; regulation of private insurance; options for funding new programs; and, models
for improving quality and reducing long-term health spending. To ensure
anybody can take advantage of this service, the guide includes links to
health care information from each state and an extensive glossary of health care terms.

More Resources:

A Consumer Guide to State Health Reform
Community Catalyst – Consumer Guide to State Health Reform