There is now a Hawaii Senate Resolution authored by Sen. Suzanne Chun Oakland, which requests the Department of Health and National Academy of Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to aspartame, by funding source.

It resolves that given the enormous amount of evidence that has been compiled concerning the neurodegenerative harm it can cause, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is requested to rescind approval of aspartame immediately on a phase-out basis over six months to one year.

We are very pleased to note that this is the strongest legislative document concerning aspartame ever presented anywhere in the world.

On March 12, another resolution, HCR132, introduced by Rep. Josh Green, M.D., Chairman of the House Committee on Health, was approved by its first committee (Health) and moves on to the next (Consumer Protection and Commerce).

This would set up a work group to explore the need to ban or improve labeling containing aspartame. It was again opposed by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D., Director of the Health Department, an appointee of Republican Governor Linda Lingle, who opposed the House Bill to ban aspartame on the flawed basis of an Ajinomoto-funded review study; Ajinomoto is the world’s largest manufacturer of Aspartame, and another proven neurotoxic food additive, Monosodium Glutamate.

Betty Martini, D. Hum, sent Dr. Fukino a detailed rebuttal to this study, showing the links to Ajinomoto, and flawed industry research. Dr. Fukino’s opposition today, March 12 was surprisingly opposed by Rep. Green, M.D., the only physician in the entire Hawaii Legislature, in view of him having “deferred” a prior bill to ban aspartame outright, by statute.

Here is the rebuttal to the Ajinomoto Study, written by Mark Gold, Founder, Aspartame Toxicity Information Center, New Hampshire:

This flawed Ajinomoto-funded report, which has been touted far and wide by aspartame manufacturers and corporate hacks and lobbyists, shows how far the world’s largest aspartame manufacturer will go to deceive the public. However, today, there is no doubt that Ajinomoto’s Board of Directors as well as the Board of Directors of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Wrigley’s Gum, and Merisant (manufacturer of Equal) extremely worried about these late-breaking developments in Hawaii, which should also encourage consumer protection activists all over the world to contact their legislators and parliamentarians, asking them to introduce similar legislation and Resolutions. We cordially thank Senator Chun Oakland and Representative Josh Green, M.D., for advancing our consumer protection initiative as far as they have.

Text of Senate Resolution:

Requesting the Department of Health and the National Academy of Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to Aspartame, and Requesting the United States Food and Drug Administration to Rescind Approval for United States Markets, carried by Hawaii Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland

Whereas, aspartame was originally developed as a drug to treat peptic ulcers; and Whereas, manufacturers state that aspartame is made up of forty per cent aspartic acid, fifty percent phenylalanine, and ten per cent methanol; and…

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