Urgent: Say No to Senator Bond’s FISA Capitulation No Compromise on Bush’s illegal wiretapping. Congress should not capitulate to President Bush’s lame-duck demands for warrantless wiretapping and retroactive immunity.

Here we go again. For over 30 years, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has dictated necessary and appropriate ways for the U.S. government to collect intelligence on its own citizens for the sake of national security. In February, the House of Representatives rejected President Bush’s FISA “reform” proposals and protected our Constitution-but now the Senate is getting ready to cave in again.

Senator Kit Bond, Republican of Missouri, is now proposing a complete overhaul of FISA. He calls it a “compromise,” but we call it a catastrophe. It includes unlimited warrantless wiretapping for the executive branch for the next six years-without meaningful judicial oversight-and also grants retroactive immunity to the telecom companies that are alleged to have helped the Bush Administration wiretap us without the warrants required by FISA.

Tell your representative to reject the latest FISA “compromise from the Senate.” http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/no_fisa_capitulation/?r=686&id=366-1196117-WiyGVa

In order to avoid this disastrous legislation, all the House has to do is stand strong on their February vote, and stick with the current version of FISA. Send a message to your representative today and ask them to vote for the Constitution by voting against Senator Bond’s catastrophic FISA “compromise” when it comes to the House.

Click here to sign the petition to your representative.

After you take action, please be sure to pass word along to a few friends. We can win this fight, but only if our representatives hear from us in big numbers.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Michael Kieschnick, President CREDO Mobile