When Janell Fairman and her husband moved to Boston’s Jamaica Plain neighborhood, they didn’t have a backyard. So, Fairman secured a small plot of land in their local community garden and began growing cherry tomatoes, eggplants and more. Gardening, Fairman said, has been a beloved hobby for years. And the 68-year-old retired archivist recognizes that growing her own produce could have economic benefits, too.

“I think we eat better for the amount of money that we spend,” she said.

As food prices continue to rise, many urbanites are beginning to share Fairman’s reasoning. From Boston to Seattle, municipal officials and community organizers are finding an increased demand for plots in community gardens as more residents look to grow their own food.

For city dwellers who don’t own outdoor space, community garden plots — which are typically owned by cities or nonprofit organizations — are their answer to suburban backyard gardens.

Full Story: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Economy/story?id=4991251&page=1