Can Sustainable Agriculture Save the World?

According to an astonishing documentary film on biodynamic & organic farming the overwhelming response is yes!

How to Save the World is a highly recommended documentary exposing globalization and its mantra of infinite growth in a finite world for what it really is: an environmental and human disaster. The film takes a look at India’s marginal farmers who are fighting back through reviving an arcane form of agriculture. How to Save the World tells their story through the teachings of an elderly New Zealander many are calling the new Gandhi.

How to Save the World is a blueprint for a post-industrial future. This film takes you into the heart of the world’s most important renaissance. The outcome of the battle for agricultural control in India may just dictate the future of the earth.  

Click here to watch the trailer for this film!

After watching this film we had an overwhelming confirmation that all
of our efforts in communicating the importance of sustainable
agriculture through Food Matters made a difference not only to our health as humans but also to the health of our planet.

We seem to be continually confounded by the interconnectedness of
humans and our environment and how inexplicably linked we all are on
this planet. I think that the more we, as stewards of this planet,
learn about the importance of our relationship with the soil, our food
and each other the more chance we have of really making something
majestical out of our planet, a planet which is clearly at a fork in
the road.


We all know that Global Warming exists, we know that we are
suffering more from diseases of lifestyle than ever before but I think
as reverberated by David Wolfe in Food Matters,
‘all the answers and technology exist for us to reverse these problems,
it is only ever a matter of applying the knowledge we already have.’