The mayor of Denver doesn’t see why the Democratic National Convention can’t be a green one.

It sounds simple but talking green and acting green are not the same.

First, the city and the organizers behind the Democratic convention hired green thinking people who are actually called directors of greening.

Meet Andrea Robinson and cyclist Patty Burnap. She’s arranged for free public bicycle stations so Democrats can pedal to the convention. And anticipating more people and more trash, Burnap made sure recycle bins were placed on downtown streets.

“This moment is a great opportunity for nudging us over common place business practices and personal habits,” Burnap said.

The Pepsi Center, where the convention will be held, and the Media Pavilion will be partly powered by wind and solar energy. Cups, plates and utensils will be made from corn and discarded items will be sent to a compost pile.

Democrats also have a fleet of hybrid cars to move dignitaries. And for $7.50, a delegate can buy a carbon offset by contributing to a cause that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a way to make up for the carbon footprint left by their air travel.

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