In this update you will find:

W o r t h . a . L o o k

R e s o u r c e s

G e t . I n v o l v e d & T a k e . A c t i o n

Please send event information and announcements to Trina Tocco at or (202) 347-4100, x103.

The Big Box Campaigners Email is a regular update, compiled by the Big Box Collaborative, on campaigns, reports, and events. Please use these emails to spread information about your big box campaigning.

The Big Box Collaborative is the hub for organizations seeking to fundamentally transform Wal-Mart and the other “big box” retail stores. The Collaborative includes organizations drawn from multiple sectors and focused on a variety of issues. It provides a space where organizations can develop shared demands and coordinate different campaign strategies.

Trina Tocco | Campaigns Coordinator, International Labor Rights Forum| Coordinator, Big Box Collaborative

2001 S St NW #420 | Washington, DC | 20009

Office: 202-347-4100 x103 |Cell: 269-873-1000