Two new ‘green chemistry’ laws focus the state program on the most dangerous substances.

California today launched the most comprehensive program of any state to evaluate, label and, in some cases, ban industrial chemicals that are linked to cancer, hormone disruption and other deadly effects on human health.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed new legislation to shift the state away from a scattershot approach in which bills targeting hazardous chemicals in products such as jewelry, baby bottles, toys, mattresses, computers and cosmetics have passed or failed depending on the intensity of the lobbying and media attention.

 Instead of a product-by-product approach, two new laws are designed to encompass 80,000 chemicals now in circulation, focus on the most dangerous, widespread substances first and control them at the manufacturing stage, before they leach into the air, water or human skin.

The legislation, Schwarzenegger said, propels California to “the forefront of the nation and the world. . . . With these two bills, we will stop looking at toxics as an inevitable byproduct of industrial production.”

The so-called green chemistry laws come as public alarm is on the rise over dangerous substances in consumer products. But some experts fear California’s efforts will fall short because the laws don’t require industry to disclose information on their products’ hazards and put the burden of proving harm on the state.

Full Story:,0,3514973.story