A lot of us are more interested in organic or natural gardening these days, but many of us are confused about what these terms mean, the cost and effectiveness of the products and where to find them.

Eighty percent of consumers surveyed said they would use more organic lawn and garden products if they knew they could get the same results as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides at no additional cost. The results came in the 2008 winter survey by the Garden Writers Association Foundation.
Retailers should know that fully 55 percent of consumers said they would like to use organic products more if they could simply find them in a store. And 53 percent say that they would use more organic products if they understood what to buy and how to use it.

Those figures coincide with the 2008 Environmental Lawn and Garden Survey by the National Gardening Association.

Full Story: http://www.indystar.com/article/20090221/LIVING02/902210308/1084/LIVING02