Swine flu will have the greatest impact on people with weakened immune
systems or who are malnourished. Everyone should take great care to build a strong immune system through a nutritionally balanced diet.

Anyone wishing to build a strong immune system and avoid swine flu
should eat:

  • Foods rich in protein, like meat,
    chicken, eggs, fish, milk, beans, nuts, seeds and
    soy-based foods. Having a minimum of 3 servings of these foods per day will help build
    a barrier against viral infections like swine flu.
  • Lots of bright orange (carrots, pumpkins, apricots, and mangoes) and green
    (spinach and
    cabbage) fruits and vegetables. The vitamin A in these foods help strengthen the
    respiratory membranes.
  • Vitamin C-rich foods like peppers, spinach, citrus
    fruits, berries, and peas, which have anti-viral
    properties and help mobilize bug-eating macrophage cells.
  • Beef, eggs and seafood (especially crabs, oysters
    and sardines) for Zinc, which helps to form antibodies to fight the infection of swine flu.
  • Whole grains and pumpkin seeds, which also build antibodies against swine flu.
  • Apples, spinach, and other
    greens with iron in them.
  • Cloves and raw garlic (a source of allicin), another defense against swine flu.
  • Two echinacea
    tablets and a 300mg tablet of St
    Johns Wort three times a day.
  • Herbal tea with
    equal parts mint, elderflower and yarrow.

Take immediate action to include these healthy foods
in your diet to build up immunity and avoid the swine flu.