Compost to Create Your Own Carbon Piggy Bank!

October 21, 2009 | Alexis Baden-Mayer, Esq., Political Director

Organic Consumers Association

According to the Rodale Institute, organic farms that fertilize with compost can sequester carbon at a rate of up to 3,200 kg/ha/yr.

Under the Kyoto Clean Development Mechanism, cities in the Global South are composting their organic waste (wood, straw, coffee residues, fresh green material and manure) to create carbon credits. Composting avoids methane emissions and also improves the soil fertility of the degraded soil. Soil & More, the global composting project, gets 1 carbon credit equals to 1 ton of CO2e emissions reductions for every ton of compost produced.

Some US cities have also begun municipal composting. San Francisco has the nation's first mandatory composting law. The city already converts over 400 tons of food scraps and other compostable discards into high-grade organic compost every day. It's snapped up by farms and vineyards across the Bay Area. By requiring all residents and businesses to compost, the city will be able to increase the amount of "black gold" available for sustainable regional agriculture and improve our environment.

But it's not just farmers and cities, you can compost at home! So, if you haven't already, take your food, lawn, garden waste – even poop – and make your very own carbon piggy bank: COMPOST!

Video: How to compost in your backyard!

Video: How to compost in your apartment with worms!

Video: How to compost in the bathroom with a composting toilet!