Our experiences and what we do with them shape and determine our trajectory.  Often, they change us gradually; sometimes, they are immediately life altering.  So much so that months, even years later, a thought, a song, even an aroma can  transport us, abruptly, into the past. Some events are wonderful. Others are  brutal.

The phone call from my sister, telling me that Chase was killed in Iraq, is  among the brutal.

My nephew, Chase Comley, died a little over five years ago. He enlisted in  the military because he believed our freedoms were in jeopardy, a message George  Bush gavelled into the American psyche after 19 hijackers used planes as weapons  to attack US symbols of power on 9/11.

This week, we mark the ninth anniversary of that turning point, the day that  invokes images of death and destruction, and the date that heralded our post-9/11  world with its increased militarism/imperialism resulting in more death and  destruction, mainstream media failure, the Patriot Act, a surveillance state,  torture, indefinite detention, military tribunals, corporatism, economic collapse,  and Islamophobia.

I have just watched 9/11 Press for Truth at the urging of Jon Gold, a friend  and fellow member of Peace of the Action. Gold has worked diligently to bring  justice for 9/11 families.

Less than two minutes into the film, George Bush says: “Today our fellow  citizens, our way of life, our very freedom, came under attack.”

Members of the Bush Administration tell us there were no warnings. Condi Rice  states: “No one could have imagined them taking a plane, slamming it into  the Pentagon … into the World Trade Center, using planes as a missile.”

We learn, however, that 14 nations alerted our intelligence agencies to the  threats, and that on the eve of the event, Bush stayed at a resort whose roof  was mounted with ground-to-air missiles, a safeguard never before taken.

The film navigates tragedy, fear, courage, hope, perseverance, strength, anticipation,  disappointment, anger, disbelief, and futility. Its heroes are those who scratch  and claw for honesty. They are the “Jersey Girls,” Lorie Van Auken,  Patty Casazza, Mindy Kleinberg, and Kristen Breitweiser, four women whose husbands  perished in the towers. There are other heroes, of course, but the Jersey widows,  bound by heartbreak, researched, questioned, attempted to connect dots, and  walked the halls of Congress. Eventually, they held a rally in DC to unite 9/11  families, form a larger group, and push for a formal investigation. Frustrated  by the Bush Administration’s position and a lack of support from the public,  they made the decision to open their private anguish to the press. Their efforts,  finally, forced George Bush to authorize an independent commission to investigate  9/11.

Patty Casazza uses the word adversaries when she talks about the Bush Administration.  It is not an antonym for hero. Villain is, but I’ll stick with Casazza’s  noun. George Bush and Dick Cheney resisted the investigation of 9/11 and, thus,  became adversaries of honesty and justice. Recall that they insisted on a not-under-oath  tandem testimony.

Many readers have written and asked me to address 9/11 as an “inside  job.” That’s not my intention. I have no knowledge to support grand  conspiracy ideologies. My comprehension resides with family grief and an acknowledgement  that the 9/11 Commission was a contrivance that failed to provide a thorough,  transparent, and factual assessment.

Evidence can be manipulated or ignored. An investigator can look at what he  or she wants and shift an examination in any direction. Even down a road leading  nowhere.

A week after my nephew was killed, I poured my feelings into an essay. I was  naïve, then, and believed my article might prevent other families from  hearing the words my brother received: “We regret to inform you.”

The families who were unwilling to accept the government’s account of  September 11, needed assurance that tragedies like theirs would never be repeated.  They expected to find answers that would make the world safer for their children.

Their questions led to more questions:

Why did it take two hours for standard air defense operating procedures to  be put in place when there was an obvious attack on the United States?

Why, when George Bush had been briefed (August 6, 2001) that Osama bin Laden  was determined to strike within the United States, did he do nothing to prevent  an attack?

Why, when the north tower was hit, were people told to remain in the building  and why weren’t those in the south tower immediately evacuated?

Why was then Attorney General John Ashcroft told to avoid commercial air travel  in the days before 9/11?

Why was Henry Kissinger selected to chair the 9/11 Commission when he had an  obvious conflict of interest — one exposed by Lorie Van Auken when she asked  if his consulting firm had any Saudi clients named bin Laden?

Why did the mainstream media fail to accomplish what Paul Thompson achieved  when he compiled an online timeline of reports and articles that became the  basis for his book, The Terror Timeline, whose content is the foundation for  the film?

Why did the United States invade Afghanistan?

Why did the US allow Osama bin Laden to escape from Tora Bora?

Why were al-Qa’ida and Taliban members flown from Afghanistan to Pakistan?

What role did Pakistan play in 9/11, and why did the US ally with this country?

Why did the chief of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) order Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,  a man who was both a member of al-Qa’ida and the ISI, to wire $100,000  to Mohammad Atta?

Why did members of the Bush Administration meet with that same chief of Pakistani  intelligence in the weeks and months prior to 9/11?

Why, given all that was exposed by Paul Thompson, did the 9/11 Commission find  that the events of September 11, 2001 were the result of a “failure of  imagination”?

Americans need to know what happened that day. Why? Not just because we owe  it to those who died and to their families but, also, because every single day,  our country commits acts of unspeakable horror in the name of 9/11.

Journalist Ron Suskind wrote an article, “Faith, Certainty and the Presidency  of George W. Bush,” for the October 17, 2004 New York Times Magazine,  in which he said:  

In the summer of 2002 … I had a meeting with a senior adviser  to Bush. He  expressed the White House’s displeasure, and then he told  me something that  at the time I didn’t fully comprehend  —  but  which I now believe gets to  the very heart of the Bush presidency.  

The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based   community,’ which he defined as people who “believe that solutions  emerge  from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and  murmured  something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me  off.  “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’  he continued. “We’re an  empire now, and when we act, we create  our own reality. And while you’re  studying that reality  —  judiciously,  as you will  —  we’ll act again,  creating other new realities, which  you can study too, and that’s how things  will sort out. We’re  history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to  just study  what we do.

This is astonishing thought and language. It underscores the hubris of a power-mad  administration. And it’s a glimpse into a mindset that, perhaps, allowed  terrorists, “determined to strike within the United States,” an  opportunity. The Bush Administration was, at the least, negligent. In a very  deliberate way. The warnings were there and they were not obscure.

As George Bush concluded his address on 9/11, he said, “This is a day  when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice  and peace.”

Justice has not been served. Peace seems far from our grasp. The 9/11 Commission  was a farce, conducted by “history’s actors,” those aligned  with the distortion that: “… when we act, we create our own reality.”

This created “reality” promotes the fear necessary to prevent critical  thinking at a time when a premium must be placed on “the judicious study  of discernible reality.” Let us not be told what to think, what to believe.  We need a REAL, independent criminal investigation of 9/11, justice for the  families, justice for families whose troops were sent to avenge a disaster that  possibly could have been averted, and justice for those who have died, their  lands destroyed, in the countries we invaded in a revenge frenzy.

Please watch the movie, 9/11 Press for Truth, read Paul Thompson’s comprehensive  book, The Terror Timeline, and never forget the words often attributed to Martin  Luther King, Jr., an admirer of Theodore Parker, the 19th century abolitionist  and Unitarian minister, who originally spoke them: “I do not pretend to  understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one … But from what I  see I am sure it bends toward justice.”

Missy Beattie lives in Baltimore, Maryland, but she’s considering other  locations. Reach her at missybeat[ at ]gmail.com.