This Christmas prepare a healthy, wholesome and delicious meal using the freshest fruits and veggies for an amazing sweet potato pie, grass-fed meats for your traditional dishes, cage-free and farm-fresh eggs for your eggnog; choose delicious, organic drinks such as apple cider and wine for your guests to enjoy, and we can’t forget the evergreen Christmas tree!  Although winter is well settled in, your local farmers are still here for you; let them help you prepare your family dinner for this Christmas and New Year celebrations!

It’s true that during winter there’s not as much variety in the fruits and veggies available to us, but it’s worth checking with your local farmer to see what crops they have. Also, though frozen is not as good as fresh, it is the next best thing, so you can still enjoy organic, fruits and veggies through your local organic store. You can find farmer’s markets, organic stores and more in your area by visiting And for future reference, here’s a “What’s Available” guide for some of the popular fruits and vegetables

The chicken stew, or roasted turkey dish don’t have to be compromised, choose farm-raised, organic meats. To find a ranch or farm near you, here’s a list of all those who provide farm-raised meats in the Maryland and Virginia area:

Today, more organic options are available to you than ever before! The Organic Consumers Association is here to provide you with all the resources you need to find the freshest, healthiest, organic food available. Choice gives you, the consumer, the power to make the best decisions when it comes to the food you provide your family with, so take advantage, and make the best of these wonderful resources: