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The revived anti-nuclear movement has promise, for the people coming together to volunteer and take on tasks are experienced. Those who are not veterans of the 1980s protests are dedicated and energetic. They’re all ready for a fight to the finish: victory over allowing more Fukushimas, Chernobyls and Three Mile Islands.

On April 14 in San Francisco, California, the electric-rate state agency that in effect allows nuclear power’s operation got an earful from the public. Then we the people rallied outside in a respectable-sized crowd, demonstrating with huge puppets, speakers, musicians and news media. Go to this webpage for more photos: Diablo Canyon Protest at CPUC

Amazingly, the federal government is rushing to foist more nuclear power on its citizens and on the world, by licensing Diablo Canyon even before the plant owner (Pacific Gas & Electric) makes seismic studies:

A top regional official of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission told a legislative committee Thursday that the agency intends to proceed with its safety and environmental analysis for extending the license of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, despite a request from the plant’s operator that the agency take no final action until after more thorough seismic studies are completed…