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As the economy continues to stutter and new unemployment claims surge to an eight month high, it hasn’t escaped the notice of people on Main Street that the folks on Wall Street are back in the black.

According to FORTUNE magazine, profits of the 500 largest U.S. corporations have surged 81 percent this past year. FORTUNE editors write, “We’ve rarely seen such a stark gulf between the fortunes of the 500 and those of ordinary Americans.”

When FORTUNE is standing up for the workers, you know it’s bad. The Big Lie

As the United States splinters further into two worlds, the American people have not forgotten who got us into this mess in the first place. They are refusing to buy the big lie peddled by new Republican Governors, like Scott Walker in Wisconsin or John Kasich in Ohio, that greedy public sector workers are to blame for our economic woes. They know who inflated the housing bubble and played both sides with credit default swaps, and it wasn’t teachers, firefighters or snowplow drivers.

From San Francisco to Wall Street people are taking to the streets reminding governors and their friends on Wall Street and that they remember very well who tanked the global economy putting more than 8 million Americans out of work and creating a revenue crisis for many states. Hundreds protested inside and outside the Wells Fargo shareholder’s meeting in San Francisco this week, and the big bank backlash is gaining steam.