For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s Genetic Engineering page.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of respondents to Amandala’s online poll say that Belizean authorities should NOT permit the cultivation of genetically altered or transgenic corn, or any other such genetically-engineered agricultural produce here in Belize.

Over the recent weeks, the public debate has been raging over whether Belize should exploit genetically modified organisms or GMOs-touted as hardy, economical and high-yield-or whether Belize should, instead, keep its agricultural sector as natural as possible.

The debate has been triggered by reports that Monsanto Bt corn, which has an implanted bacterial gene that produces a toxic pesticide from within the plant itself, has been imported into the country for test plots.

Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Agricultural and Fishers, Gabino Canto, had told Amandala that the trial run in Belize should not pose a danger of cross-pollinating other natural cornfields, since the 20 pounds of seed would be planted under quarantine, and the 6 plots of about 15 by 20 feet, to be surrounded by electric fencing, would be under the watch of a guard to discourage theft of the GMO corn.

We understand that some high-ranking technical staff in the Government service, including some who sit on the Biosafety Council, firmly objected to their superiors, and Cabinet has since declared that it will not allow the propagation of GMO seeds in Belize.