For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s All about Organics page.

The non-profit family farm advocacy group Cornucopia Institute (CI) recently released its Organic Cereal Scorecard, a comprehensive analysis of many popular “natural” and organic breakfast cereal brands that highlight both the best and worst players in the industry.

In the report, CI provides not only a detailed listing of the many companies producing phony “natural” products, but it also outlines those that are committed to producing and selling only clean, organic food to their customers.

You can view our first announcement about the report here: (…).

Some health food stores and even conventional grocery stores continue to sell “natural” cereal brands that secretly contain chemical pesticide and herbicide residues, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and various other deadly toxins. These products are often marketed as being more “natural” than conventional brands, and are even priced at a premium — but in reality, they are often no different than less expensive conventional brands (…).

In order to better assist NaturalNews readers in making smart food choices and help them to avoid the “natural” product trap, we have provided a detailed listing of some of the best cereal brands available. These brands are considered to be fully trustworthy and committed to organics, and tests of their products have revealed that their labels truly do match their content. As a result, CI has awarded them top scores in each category, and they all have a full “Wheat Rating.”