New Rules for Radicals: 10 Ways To Spark Change in a Post-Occupy World

The first rule is this: The world is different now. The rules have changed.

February 1, 2012 | Source: Alternet | by Sara Robinson

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The first rule is this: The world is different now. The rules have changed. 

Since Occupy, we all understand this. Nothing works now the way it did even just a couple of years ago. Political tactics that haven’t budged public opinion in years – like petitions and big street demonstrations – are suddenly working again. Narratives that seemed unassailable – like the primacy of free markets and low taxes – are being openly questioned. Doors that used to be closed to us are now opening. The media that once ignored us is now starting to listen. The conservatives are shaken and fumbling, stuck on autopilot and unable to re-route away from their old course even as disaster looms dead ahead. What’s going on here?

What’s going on is that we are (finally!) in the first giddy months of a deep-current sea change in American politics, the kind of realignment that happens once every several decades. This change has put us into a whole new political era, one that runs by an entirely new set of rules – and one in which a great many impossible things may, all of a sudden, become possible.

The reasons for this shift are complex and wonky, and are the stuff of other articles. But we all sense it, and we all want to know what it means.