World’s Biggest Commodities Trading Company Excited to Cash in on Drought, Hunger

In this day and age it's not surprising to see multinationals drooling over profits -- at whatever expense that may mean to the less fortunate. Things are apparently no different for Glencore, the biggest commodities trading company.

August 24, 2012 | Source: Alternet | by Tara Lohan

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In this day and age it’s not surprising to see multinationals drooling over profits — at whatever expense that may mean to the less fortunate. Things are apparently no different for Glencore, the biggest commodities trading company.

The Independent reported:

With the US experiencing a rerun of the drought “Dust Bowl” days of the 1930s and Russia suffering a similar food crisis that could see Vladimir Putin’s government banning grain exports, the senior economist of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, Concepcion Calpe, told The Independent: “Private companies like Glencore are playing a game that will make them enormous profits.”

 Ms Calpe said leading international politicians and banks expecting Glencore to back away from trading in potential starvation and hunger in developing nations for “ethical reasons” would be disappointed.