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Getting a mammogram seems like a “no-brainer.” The diagnostic test detects, by emitting allegedly harmless ionizing radiation, breast cancer early, thus it prevents the premature demise of the patient. Yet, many solid scientific facts invalidate these, on the surface, seemingly legitimate, highly plausible notions or claims about the value of mammography.

Some “Inconvenient” Facts Women Should Know About Mammography

“The interaction with the unaccountable, self-regulating business called “modern medicine” is analogous to buying a used car from a stranger: you never really know what you’re getting because of the things you’re not being told. And what is not being disclosed can (seriously) hurt you.”

(Rolf Hefti, in “The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn’t Want You To Know About”, 2013)

Would you (still) have mammograms if you knew that:

● many, if not most, “breast cancers” detected by screening with mammography are non-cancers;

● practically all non-cancers get treated with biopsies, surgery, radiation therapy, and other orthodox cancer treatments. That is, many essentially healthy women receive unnecessary treatments, therefore they get seriously injured -particularly because these treatments frequently induce secondary cancers;

● primary tumors tend to spread (metastasize) predominantly after a person received surgery, radiation or chemo therapy, and early detection of breast cancer by mammography increases the use of these invasive cancer treatments;

● early detection of breast cancer by mammography does not decrease (or only non-significantly) the mortality rate because the orthodox theories on cancer progression, from early to advanced stages, rest on flawed research and erroneous medical dogmas;

● mammography increases total mortality;

● a single mammogram can cause severe, complex DNA damage, the type of genetic injury that increases the risk of (breast) cancer;

● the lowest possible dose of ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer, and medical x-rays are probably the principal cause of breast cancer;