Genetically Engineered Food Labeling | Washington State Initiative 522- Consumer Reports

Consumers Union supports Washington state's labeling referendum, Initiative 522

October 24, 2013 | Source: Consumer Reports | by

For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s Genetic Engineering page, Millions Against Monsanto page and our Washington News page.

On Nov. 5, Washington state residents will vote on Initiative 522 (PDF), a referendum that would require labels on foods that are genetically engineered (these are also known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs). Food-industry opponents of such labeling argue that the requirement will cause food prices to climb. Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, disagrees with that assertion. What’s more, we believe that genetically engineered foods should be identified as such, the same as foods that contain additives or are frozen, homogenized, from concentrate, or irradiated. The labels allow you to make informed choices about the foods you eat.

Opponents of Initiative 522 claim it would increase the price of food for a three-person household by $350 to $400 a year. But that estimate is based on an assumption that if labeling were required, companies would immediately change entirely to nonengineered or organic ingredients, which would cost a lot. We feel that this assumption is not realistic, however, and in the long run, we don’t think consumers will see a price increase. Rather, we believe that some companies may simply label, and many Washingtonians may still buy labeled products, especially if they are cheaper than unlabeled or “non-GMO” products.

But if consumers avoid the genetically engineered products, we believe that the market will quickly adjust to demand. True, it might be hard today for a breakfast-cereal maker, for example, to find corn that isn’t genetically engineered. But if consumers demand nonengineered cereal, farmers will surely start growing it.

Considering also information from the 60 countries where GMO labeling is the law, we believe that requiring labels on food that is genetically engineered should not raise food prices in any discernible way for Washington state consumers.