Here’s What Happened on Valentine’s Day!

We wanted you to know that Home Depot has responded, and says it is “working on plans” to get rid of bee-killing pesticides and plants. We intend to stay engaged with them until they follow through. (Lowe's hasn't yet responded. We will continue...

February 25, 2014 | Source: Organic Consumers Association | by

For Related Articles and More Information, Please Visit OCA’s Honey Bee Health page, and our All About Organics page.

We wanted you to know that Home Depot has responded, and says it is “working on plans” to get rid of bee-killing pesticides and plants. We intend to stay engaged with them until they follow through. (Lowe’s hasn’t yet responded. We will continue to pressure them).

We also wanted to share this photo of Julian who, along with his mom, Aleecia, and brother, Joseph, delivered a valentine to the manager of a Lowe’s store in West Sacramento. Here’s what Aleecia reported:

My sons, Julian (4) and Joseph (2), and I made the delivery to the manager on duty around 6:30 pm at the Lowe’s in West Sacramento, California.

I did my best to explain the daunting situation to my 4-year old and his summary back to me was, “oh! We want to say don’t sell the trees to kill the bees.” After another minute of coaching, we took the photo outside the store (the boys posing with the valentine) and went inside for the special delivery.

When the store manager arrived, my son handed him the valentine and blurted out, “don’t kill the bees!”

The manager replied that he would do his best (recognizing the courage it took my son to follow through with this activity).

Not sure if our action had the desired effect, but hopefully it added to the collective messaging effort.

Kudos to Julian and Joseph and their mom for helping to bring this important message to their local Lowe’s store!

We’d love to hear from any of you who went on your own, with your family or friends to deliver a valentine to either Home Depot or Lowe’s. Please send photos, videos and comments to

We also thought you’d like to know what happened at the joint actions that took place in Washington D.C., Minneapolis, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Eugene, Ore. and Los Angeles. You can find links to photos and videos and press reports here.

Stay tuned as we continue to pressure retailers to stop selling plants and pesticides that are killing the bees.