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Paul Offit says you can safely administer 10,000 vaccines to infants at once. But he also profits from the patent he holds for the Rotateq vaccine. What’s wrong with this picture?

Dr. Paul Offit is a pediatrician who co-invented a rotavirus vaccine (trade name Rotateq), who once stated in interview that a child can be administered 100,000 vaccines safely at once
(later revised to 10,000). A professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, he is the darling of the mainstream media and a widely cited self-appointed ‘vaccine safety expert,’ despite the glaring conflict of interest implied by such a designation.

Unfortunately for Dr. Offit (not so affectionately named Dr. Profit), a 2010 study published in
Journal of Virology revealed that his multi-million dollar grossing patent on the Rotateq vaccine contains a live simian retrovirus (with a 96% match of certainty) that has likely infected millions of children over the past few years with a virus that causes great harm.  Retrovirus infections are permanent, and can carry on indefinitely into future generations. In other words, once they are inserted into the human genome they can not be removed. View the entire PDF here.

Moreover, a 2014  study published in
Advances in Virology found Dr. Offit’s vaccine contains a “a baboon endogenous virus strain M7…likely due to the monkey cell line in which RotaTeq was produced from.” View the entire PDF here.

In order to grasp the dire significance of these findings, you might want to familiarize yourself with the history of adventitious viruses in so-called attenuated or live vaccines. These contain the actual disease vector they are supposed to prevent. While considered “weakened,” their process of manufacture often make them more adaptable to the host within which they are injected. Many rounds of passage through human and animal cells often makes these vaccines far more dangerous than the natural ‘wild-type’ infections that we encounter naturally. You only have to look to oral polio vaccine to understand the dangers of the vaccine model. In 2011,
the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics
published a study revealing that vaccine strain polio is twice as lethal as wild-type, and has been identified to cause over 47,000 cases of polio-associated paralysis in 2011 alone. This was the vaccine launched by the Dali Lama himself, who apparently has no clue as to the harm caused by these interventions.

The theory is that by infecting healthy bodies with them you generate an immune response – validated by elevated antibody titers, regardless of their affinity to the pathogen – that results (in theory) in increased protection.  Regardless of the justification for using monkey cells for vaccine production, monkey retroviruses contaminate the vaccines nonetheless. By unintentionally infecting healthy infants with these viruses you are making them sick. Retroviruses use reverse transcriptase – a viral enzyme – to insert pathogenic genetic information into healthy cells, effectively converting them into virus-manufacturing factories. And no matter what your medical philosophy is, monkey viruses have no justifiable place in a healthy human body.