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There’s another reason why Wal-Mart is one of America’s greediest corporations: it won’t pay its fair share of taxes.

Wal-Mart Stores is America’s top-earning corporation. In 2013, its revenues were $473 billion, yet it only declared $16 billion in profits. While it has been reported that Americans subsidize Wal-Mart because their low-wage employees receive an estimated $6.2 billion annually in Food Stamps, Medicare and other anti-poverty benefits, what’s not widely known is that Wal-Mart has parked $21.4 billion in untaxed profits offshore and is currently lobbying to cut U.S. corporate tax rates.

“Wal-Mart’s offshore profits have doubled in recent years at the same time that its offshore investments flattened, suggesting that the company is piling up cash overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes on the earnings,” a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness found. “Wal-Mart is working to reduce corporate tax rates and eliminate all taxation of foreign profits.”

“You’re starting to see Wal-Mart playing games like other companies,” said Frank Clemente, Americans for Tax Fairness executive director and author of
How WalMart is Dodging Billions in Taxes and Scheming to Avoid Billions More
. “They’re engaging in a tax dodge.”

Wal-Mart employees 74 lobbyists in Washington, has spent $32 million on tax-related lobbying in the past five years, and underwrites other tax-cut lobbying by the Capital’s three largest tax-cut groups, AFT found, which are the RATE (Reforming America’s Taxes Equitably) Coalition, the Alliance for Competitive Taxation, and the Business Rountable.

“There’s a big campaign going on here in Washington, D.C., to reform the corporate tax system,” Clemente said. “It’s a big lobbying effort being waged by big corporations to try to reduce their income tax rate at the same they’re lobbying for corporate tax loopholes.”