Beekeepers nationwide are opening their hives and finding them empty, a
baffling phenomenon that has researchers scratching their heads and
farmers worrying about their crops.

The bees are mysteriously vanishing and no one is sure why. Instead of
thriving colonies, beekeepers say they’re typically finding only a
queen and a few attendants left — but no trace of the other bees, not
even their bodies.

Known as colony collapse disorder, the problem has affected beekeepers
in 24 states and Canada, with some losing as much as 25 percent to more
than 75 percent of their hives. The sudden unexplained losses have not
only been a financial detriment to many beekeepers but could threaten
billions of dollars worth of crops that depend on the insects for

In a legislative hearing before the House Subcommittee on Horticulture
and Organic Agriculture in March, Gene Brandi, a Merced County
beekeeper and chairman of the California State Beekeepers Association,
told lawmakers that while bee losses are not uncommon, the current
ailment plaguing bee colonies is much more serious.

He says about 40 percent of his colonies died over the winter, his
greatest loss in 30 years of business. That equates to a loss of nearly
$60,000 in pollination income and another $20,000 in bulk bee sales,
plus a cost of $48,000 to restock the 800 dead hives.

“Even though my loss is substantial, other beekeepers throughout the
country have suffered much great losses,” he says. “Beekeepers who lost
over 50 percent of their colonies will have difficulty making up their
losses from their own colonies as I plan to do.”

Bees pollination is involved in the production of a wide range of
fruits, vegetables and forage crops, but it is perhaps most critical in
the production of almonds. Nearly 1.4 million bee colonies are needed
each year to help California’s almond growers set nearly 600,000 acres
of this crop, now worth more than $2.4 billion annually. California
produces 80 percent of the world’s almonds, according to the Almond
Board of California.

Other crops dependent on honeybee pollination include apples, avocados,
cherries, cranberries, cucumbers, melons and sunflowers.

But as California’s almond acreage continues to increase, the nation’s
bee colonies are dwindling — from 3.2 million in 1986 to 2.4 million
in 2006, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. In
California, there were 380,000 bee colonies in 2006, compared to
520,000 in 1986.

To meet growers’ demand, bees are brought in from all over the United States and even Australia to work the fields.

“Each year, as growers we worry about the supply of bees and what the
weather is like during the critical pollination period,” California
Farm Bureau Federation First-Vice President Paul Wenger, a Stanislaus
County almond grower, told the House panel. “Our crop fortunes rise or
fall on what happens.”

He noted that he currently pays $130 per hive to pollinate his crop, a
steep price compared to the average rental price of $45 per hive in

The cause of colony collapse disorder is unknown, although poor
nutrition, mites, diseases and pesticides have all been suspect. There
is also concern that some genetically modified crops may be producing
pollen or nectar that is problematic for the bees, says Mr. Brandi.

“Lesser known is the fact that some pesticides can also kill or deform
immature bees, adversely affect queen and drone viability or may cause
bees to lose their memory, which prevents them from flying back to
their hive,” he says.

The nation’s supply of bees was already in danger before the colony
collapse disorder came along. For many years, beekeepers have been
trying to control the destructive varroa mite, a parasite that has
dealt catastrophic losses to the bee industry.

Messrs. Brandi and Wenger say research is the key to overcoming these
current problems, noting the need for more scientists and bee experts
at the University of Davis to study the insect’s behavior, physiology
and genetics. There are currently no active professors of apiculture on
the campus, although one UC Extension apiculturist continues to serve
the industry, Mr. Brandi says. The federal government currently spends
less than $10 million a year on bee research.

“The need for additional bee research is obvious,” says Mr. Brandi.
“There are just too many unanswered questions that need to be addressed
if the bee industry is to survive and perhaps thrive again.”