Approximately every tenth purchase in Copenhagen is organic. This makes Copenhagen the capital with the largest organic share of foods worldwide. And consumers have a great deal to choose from, from the best gourmet restaurants to cafés, delicatessens and super markets, writes Berlingske Tidende.

The latest is that the public sectors also have seriously jumped the organic wagon. Within the Copenhagen authorities 45 per cent of al food consumption today is organic but the target is considerably higher.

With the environment strategy “Environment Metropolis: Our Vision 2015” the politicians wish that solely organic food is to be served in 90 per cent of the Copenhagen old-age homes and residential homes for children and young persons in 2015.

The association Økologisk Landsforening announces that 2007 seems to become a record high year for Danish organic foods. The association expects to sell organic foods for approximately EUR 500 million this year. In 2006 organic foods were sold in the amount of EUR 350 million.