Spread the Word: No More Stolen Elections

OCA is very concerned that a cabal of right-wing extremists who now control most of the proprietary electronic voting machines and optical scanners will be counting our votes our Nov. 6, not only in California, but across the entire United States. These extremists are funded by powerful corporations and special interests, including the Romney family. From the Presidential race all the way down through state ballot initiatives and local city council elections, election integrity is at risk. Many analysts, including former presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry, now believe that the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen and that there was major electronic vote theft in the local, state, and federal 2008 elections as well.
To help us safeguard the integrity of the Nov. 6 vote in California, OCA approached two well-known exit poll companies to carry out exit polls for us to verify the Prop 37 vote count on whether or not genetically engineered foods should be labeled. But are these companies truly independent and reliable? The first one, Edison Communications, carried out exit polls in the fraudulent 2000 and 2004 elections. The second one, Penn, Schoen, Berland, seemed eager to do an exit poll for a fee of $60 – $70,000. But as it turns out PSB is actually part of the infamous Burson-Marsteller public relations firm, one of whose most prominent clients is, would you believe it, Monsanto? Needless to say we declined to hire Monsanto’s agents to verify the results of a vote that Monsanto alone has spent more than $8 million to quash.
If we can’t trust pre-election polls, if we can’t trust prominent exit pollsters, if we can’t trust the vote tabulations from privately-owned electronic voting machines and optical scanners, what are we supposed to do? We need a revolution in our electoral practices. We can no longer allow our elections to be bought or stolen. We need to get corporate special interest money out of politics, like the nearly $50 million we’re up against from Monsanto, Dupont, and junk food companies on Prop 37 in California. And we need to return to the tried-and-true traditional practice of publicly-counted paper ballots, which is still the norm in most countries.