
A Complete Guide To Cooking Healthy on a Budget

Everything you need to know to eat healthily, even when money is tight.

September 9, 2021 | Source: Honest Food Talks | by

Everything you need to know to eat healthily, even when money is tight 

There is a huge debate amongst economists about whether healthy eating is too expensive for people on a budget or whether it is something that can be done on any budget.  One leading expert on the subject said “People generally believe that ‘healthy’ equals ‘expensive” but this is often wrong. What is marketed to us as healthy and what is actually healthy don’t always overlap.  There are thousands of ways that you can save money and still eat healthily – from growing your own food to eating ugly veg and even cooking in bulk.  Eating healthily can be cheaper than eating junk food if you’re smart about it. You’ll learn how to do that in this guide.