
Planting Peace or War: Will the U.S. Confront Its Role in Fueling Terror Attacks Across the Planet?

January 6, 2017 | Ronnie Cummins

Organic Consumers Association

Organic consumers, food, natural health, and climate activists must come to terms with the fact that US foreign policy, including its endless wars, massive arms sales, imperial notions of “regime change,” “the war on drugs,” and extensive deployment of military bases across the globe is of life and death importance to our health, welfare, and indeed our survival. Even beyond the total immorality, irrationality, and brutality of our current foreign policy, there is literally no way we can continue to spend trillions of dollars on war and weapons and still have the resources to fix our currently out of control food and farming system, deteriorating public health, and climate crisis. We can have a healthy food system, environment, and climate or we can maintain our macho posture as the world’s Superpower, but we can’t have both.

Our survival as a species will ultimately depend, not just upon a consumer and farmer driven regeneration of our soils and environment and our health; but a political regeneration of hope, solidarity, and cooperation in the body politic as well. Our survival and revival demands nothing less than a people-powered transformation of our everyday lives and the institutions that affect our lives. We need a revolution, not just a minor revision of business as usual.

We must plant peace not war and come to grips with the fact that we are all one species facing a common mortal threat: runaway global warming and the unraveling of the biological carrying capacity of the planet to provide for our common survival. The Russian people are not our enemies. The Chinese people are not our enemies. Nor the Iranians, the Cubans, or the climate and economic refugees who are trying to escape war, the drug cartels, get a job, or support their families. If there was peace and economic opportunity in their home communities, rural or urban, most immigrants would elect to stay with their families. Our real enemy is the global elite, the “One Percent” who would rather wage endless war and continue burning up fossil fuels and destroying our soils, oceans, forests, and biodiversity than reduce their wealth, power, and profits.


Source: When Will the U.S. Confront Its Role in Fueling Terror Attacks Across the Planet?