Organic Bytes
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Don’t Miss These Interviews!

Last week, the OCA’s Alexis Baden-Mayer asked the tough questions in these interviews—did you miss them? Watch them now, and sign up for our channel on Rokfin to receive notifications of new episodes.

Eating Organic & Still Overweight? Interview with Functional Nutritionist Tod Wickersham: With the corporatization of organic, the “natural food” aisles are stocked with over-processed, sugary junk foods that are made with organic ingredients but don’t have much nutrition. Our new #FarmsNotPharma campaign is about food as medicine.

Good Vibe Healing with Dr. Ealy and Alexis – Episode 6 – August 8th, 2022: Today’s topic: 16 Principles for eating healthy

The Secret Military History of Monsanto: Interview w/ Francis Richard Conolly: In this edition of The Secret Military History of Monsanto, Alexis Baden-Mayer talks with Francis Richard Conolly, author of Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick.

Watch more episodes, and sign up for epsiode alerts


Essential Reading and Viewing for the Week

Creative Cartoons for Pandemic Times: Anne Gibbons

A Great Reset Tool to Wipe Out Good Food

The India Public Health Miracle Not Heard Around the World: Uttar Pradesh Pt.1, Pt.2

When the Biodefense ‘Experts’ at Johns Hopkins Warn You off the ACAM-2000 Vaccine for Monkeypox, You Know It Is a Really Bad Vaccine

Kim Iversen: Why I’m no Longer on the Hill’s Rising

Are You Fat? There’s a Drug for That

The Technology War: 5G Versus Humanity

Monsanto’s Herbicidal Hell Unleashed on National Parks

Even USDA Admits: 59% of (Non-Organic) U.S. Foods Contaminated with Pesticides

Kim Iversen: Increased IRS Enforcement Will Target Middle Class & Gig Workers

Gene-Editing Proposal: Engineer Hens to Kill Male Chicks Before They Hatch

Collision Course: Will the Plastics Treaty Slow the Plastics Rush?

EU Food Giants Break Their Plastics Reduction Promises

Eisenstein: Pandemania, The Worship of Safety

Why the Global Elite Don’t Want to End Food Hunger

National Survey: 15% of Americans Suffer Adverse Reactions After COVID Vaccine


Invest in the Great Organic Reset

Thank you for your help, no matter how large or small, spreading the word, taking action, and providing financial support.

From all of us at OCA, Regeneration International, and Via Organica, a heartfelt thank you for sticking to your ideals in these difficult times.

If you can afford it, please consider giving us a late-summer donation now.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Support Citizens Regeneration Lobby, OCA’s 501(c)(4) lobbying arm (not tax-deductible)

Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International, our international sister organization

Donate $100 or more and we’ll send you a copy of Ronnie’s new book, The Truth About COVID-19, or his 2020 book, Grassroots Rising

Click here for more ways to support our work

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Please tell everyone you know to sign up for the free Organic Bytes weekly newsletter, and the monthly newsletter of Regeneration International.


Turning to Gardening in Hard Times

Jennifer Atkinson writes:

“The coronavirus pandemic has set off a global gardening boom. In the early days of lockdown, seed suppliers were depleted of inventory and reported “unprecedented” demand. Within the U.S., the trend has been compared to World War II victory gardening, when Americans grew food at home to support the war effort and feed their families.

The analogy is surely convenient. But it reveals only one piece in a much bigger story about why people garden in hard times. Americans have long turned to the soil in moments of upheaval to manage anxieties and imagine alternatives. My research has even led me to see gardening as a hidden landscape of desire for belonging and connection; for contact with nature; and for creative expression and improved health.”

Read more: Why We Turn to Gardening in Hard Times


Regenerating Ecosystems and Sequestering Carbon

In this 30-minute video interview with Ben Dobson Steering Committee member of Regeneration International and co-founder of the Hudson Carbon Project (Hudson, NY), American Grassfed Association regenerative rancher Will Harris, and OCA’s Ronnie Cummins, hosted by Alexis Baden-Mayer, we discuss how, on the one hand, most “carbon credits” nowadays have become little more than a greenwashing tool for corporate agribusiness and Wall Street, while on the other hand, Regeneration International, Hudson Carbon, Vía Orgánica (OCA’s sister organization in Mexico) and other groups are building a genuine climate and environmentally regenerative grassroots-based alternative to greenwashing that we call “Ecosystem Service Investments.”

This system of scientifically verifiable carbon offsets or Ecosystem Service Investments, not only operates on the principle of forcing the polluters to pay; but at the same time preserves our forests, wetlands, and above ground plant life; draws down and sequesters large amounts of excess carbon from the atmosphere; restores soil fertility, rainwater retention, and biodiversity, meanwhile paying farmers a fair price ($100 or more per ton of carbon per acre/per year) for carbon sequestered and other environmental services (water conservation, biodiversity, and soil fertility) through organic and regenerative practices.

In other words, instead of just criticizing Wall Street and transnational corporations we encourage/pressure/force them to pay for their pollution, leave carbon reserves in the ground, and pay farmers, indigenous, and rural communities to reverse climate change and global warming though regenerative and organic farming, grazing, and land management practices.

Watch the Interview: Regenerating Ecosystems and the Climate


Retailers and Organic Advocates Whey In: Are “Animal Free” Dairy Products Really Natural?

OCA’s longtime colleague Steve Hoffman from Compass Natural reports: “Which term do you like better – animal-free dairy, next-gen dairy, cultivated dairy, bio-identical dairy, or parallel dairy? If you preferred “animal-free dairy,” you’re not alone.

Knowing consumer acceptance is key to the success of precision fermentation – a rapidly growing biotechnology that genetically engineers microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast to produce complex molecules, including proteins that mimic those found in meat and dairy products – earlier this year German biotechnology company Formo, along with Fordham University and Mercy for Animals, surveyed consumers in the U.K., Germany, Singapore and the U.S. to ask that very question.

What they found out? While the clear favorite among survey respondents was animal-free dairy (the least favorite was bio-identical dairy and the strange term, parallel dairy), ‘Many wanted to know whether the product was natural or artificial, leading from here into questions of how safe the products would be and what bodily effects it might have, with some looking for data that could answer these questions for them,’ the survey’s authors reported, according to Food Navigator.

While a significant majority of the survey participants responded positively to questions about animal welfare and conventional animal agriculture’s impact on the environment as they were framed in the poll around such ‘animal-free’ dairy products, according to the survey’s findings, a ‘nearly universal’ consumer concern was around precision fermentation’s ‘unbridled meddling with nature,’ and many were worried about ‘eating the unknown.’

Learn more: Retailers Whey In: Are Animal-free Dairy Products Natural?


PFAS “Forever Chemicals” (from Toxic Sewage Sludge and Military Waste), Immunotoxicity, and COVID-19

Toxic sewage sludge applied as a “fertilizer” on agricultural lands is banned on any farm or ranch that is certified as Organic or Biodynamic, and for good reason. If an organic farm is contaminated with PFAS, this is almost always because it was contaminated before it became certified as organic. Read more about this on OCA’s Stop Toxic Sludge campaign page.

OCA’s ally, Alliance for Natural Health, warns that there is a “startling connection between PFAS exposure and COVID-19 severity. A study published December 2020 in the journal PLoS, indicates that a specific perfluorinate may increase risk for more severe cases of Covid-19 pneumonia.”

Environmental Health Symposium reports:

“Exposure to PFAS has been correlated with many different health conditions—kidney and testicular cancer, low birth weight, thyroid disease, decreased sperm quality, cancer, thyroid disease, asthma, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, reproductive damage and immunotoxicity. Areas with high levels of perfluorinates in drinking water have shown increased incidence of diabetes, cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, and Alzheimer’s disease in both sexes and kidney cancer, breast cancer, and Parkinson’s disease in females… A study published December 2020 in the journal PLoS, indicates that a specific perfluorinate may increase risk for more severe cases of Covid-19 pneumonia. ‘It’s probably what’s in the lungs that counts because that’s where the big Covid battle is fought,’ said Philippe Grandjean, the principal author of the study looking at Covid-19 hospitalized patients and their PFAS levels.’

Grandjean’s study involved 323 patients with Covid-19, 215 of whom were hospitalized. The researchers analyzed the blood of these patients for the presence of five PFAS compounds known to be immunotoxic and found that only perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), was associated with the severity of the disease. More than half of those seriously ill with Covid-19 had elevated PFBA levels in their plasma, while less than 20 percent of those with mild illness had elevated levels of the chemical.”

Read more: PFAS the “Forever Chemicals”, Immunotoxicity, and Covid-19

Read more about how military bases are the major source of PFAS pollution in the U.S.


How We Defeat the Agricultural Great Reset

Russell Brand interviews environmental activist and author, Vandana Shiva. Dr. Shiva explains how the mainstream media have distorted the Dutch Farmer protests, claiming that shutting down small farms utilizing chemical fertilizers is the solution to the environmental and climate crisis. But the global elite, using the rhetoric of a Great Reset, and the strategy of “divide and rule,” are actually carrying out a 21st Century colonial land grab, driving small farmers and ranchers off the land, promising that pesticides, GMOs, lab food, and big data will make us healthy, happy and prosperous. The same elite (anti-nature, anti-people) who have forced a degenerative chemical-intensive factory farm model on farmers (through legislation, subsidies, and manipulating research and markets) are now blaming farmers for the problem. Conventional farmers are a victim of the system, not the cause, while organic and regenerative farmers, conscious consumers, and non-violent resistance are the solution.

We need to build a natural alliance between farmers, activists, and everyday people. “The billionaires have bought the mainstream and social media,” Shiva reminds us, and we must get out the truth and build a new global movement if we aim to overturn the authoritarian and dystopia rule of Bill Gates, Black Rock, Vanguard, Monsanto/Bayer, and the digital technologists.

An economy without people, without farmers. An economy where consumers have no choice over our food, health, and governance is the goal of the big corporations and the billionaires. As Vandana states, the elite are trying to “colonize our minds” make us forget our history, common values, and common sense. “Greenwash, social wash, justice wash,” we need to replace the false rhetoric and technocratic solutions of the global elite, the “pirates and thieves” of the WTO (World Trade Organization), the World Economic Forum, and the corrupt politicians, militarists, and indentured scientists of the Great Reset, who are twisting our ideals and aspirations to divide and control us. We must stand up, refuse to compromise, and build a new consciousness and Movement of Regeneration, which is truly green, organic, healthy, and equitable.

Watch the video: Vandana Shiva: “THIS Is How We Beat The Great Reset”


Russell Brand and Matt Taibbi on the Great Reset

Russell Brand interviews renowned U.S. journalist Matt Taibbi, on how did the Great Reset (centralizing the power of the global elite and transferring wealth from the working class to the ruling class) and the economic and food crisis come about, and why people are losing faith in Democracy.

Did the Great Reset originate during the Obama Administration after the Wall Street Crash, when the government bailed out the banks and screwed homeowners and the working class, or during 2016-2020 when business as usual continued, despite the clever and effective rhetoric of Trump, demonizing the greed of the rich and corruption of federal officials?

Or did the Great Reset just recently emerge during the 2020-22 Pandemania, when an international non-elected financial and Big Pharma/medical elite joined forces with the federal government and Silicon Valley to mandate experimental vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and disastrous school and business closures, dumping 4.6 trillion dollars into the stock market, making the millionaires and billionaires wealthier than ever, leaving the rest of us traumatized, marginalized, polarized and impoverished?

Watch the 14-minute interview: The Great Reset is Real!