Bill Gates Admits Covid ‘Kind of Like Flu,’ ‘Our mRNA Vaccines Failed to Reduce Infections, Also Lasted So Short Time;’ Applauds Australia’s Quarantine Camps, Says Americans Aren’t Great at Making Sacrifices

Bill Gates – the software developer – has been making the media rounds the past two weeks to promote his new book about preventing a new pandemic. In interviews this week, Gates delivered his opinions on a myriad of COVID-related topics – including the coronavirus lab-leak theory, individual liberties during a pandemic, Australia’s quarantine camps, issues with COVID-19 vaccines, and the possibility of climate change causing disease outbreaks.

April 1, 2023 | Source: The World News | by Paul Sacca, theBlaze

Says they only later realized Covid was primarily a disease of the elderly, “kind of like flu”

Bill Gates – the software developer – has been making the media rounds the past two weeks to promote his new book about preventing a new pandemic. In interviews this week, Gates delivered his opinions on a myriad of COVID-related topics – including the coronavirus lab-leak theory, individual liberties during a pandemic, Australia’s quarantine camps, issues with COVID-19 vaccines, and the possibility of climate change causing disease outbreaks.

On Tuesday, Gates was interviewed by CNN host and Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria at an event organized by 92nd Street Y – a self-described “cultural and community center where people all over the world connect through culture, arts, entertainment, and conversation.”

Gates proclaimed, “The vaccines are imperfect and in two very important ways.”

“One is they don’t block infection,” he said. “We were hoping that the vaccine would create enough antibodies in your upper respiratory tract, including your nose and throat, that vaccinated people wouldn’t get infected.”

“Well, once Omicron comes along, the vaccine is not reducing transmission, hardly at all, particularly about three or four months after you take the vaccine,” Gates noted.