Humans suffer more chronic and debilitating diseases today than ever before; more than half of all Americans struggle with chronic illness, and 1 in 5 deaths in the U.S. are obesity-related. These discouraging statistics are largely the result of an inappropriate diet.

Most of us eat far too much sugar and grains, and far too little healthy fat. Many also eat too much protein, and most of it of poor quality processed food to boot.  Unfortunately, the notion that glucose is the preferred fuel for your body is a pervasive one.

Everyone from diabetics to top athletes are advised to make sure they eat “enough” carbs to keep their systems from crashing. This misguided advice is at the heart of many of our current health failures. It’s also a driving factor in our diabetes, heart disease and cancer epidemics.

Dietary fats are actually the preferred fuel of human metabolism, and this can be traced back to our evolutionary roots. One of the keys to long-term weight management and good health is healthy mitochondrial function, and for that you need to get your net carb, protein and fat ratios correct.

This is the focus of my latest book, “Fat for Fuel.” It’s by far the most important book I’ve ever written, and the one I’ve poured the most heart and soul into because I believe this information has the power to reverse the cancer epidemic and save countless lives.

Shipments of “Fat for Fuel” will begin on May 16. Reserving your copy now will entitle you to six free bonuses. Preordering will also help push the book onto the best seller list, which will go a long way toward informing and educating others.