You read the headline correctly. Coca Cola has formed a partnership with a dairy firm by the name of Fairlife, and one of their first products is a new modified milk. This milk is lactose free, 50% more protein, 50% more calcium, and half the sugar of your average milk. Nice move, Coca Cola! But you don’t have me fooled.

Like McDonald’s, these companies that are the very hands that serve us food products that slowly kill us are attempting to redecorate their image as more health friendly. Newsflash, Coca Cola: your products as well as other soft drink producers are one of the main driving forces behind widespread obesity. That doesn’t sound very health friendly.

Not surprisingly, Fairlife has been found to be strong supporters of GMOs. At a conference called “How Technology is Bringing Back the Family Farm”, Mike McCloskey, founder of Fairlife and founder of Select Milk Producers, commented that the organic industry should embrace GMOs. Nobody in the panel disagreed with him. Now, not only is the idea of the ORGANIC market embracing GMOs completely ridiculous (as it literally doesn’t make any sense), but it also seems suspicious that these other panel members, in support of “family farms”, support these GMOs. As it turns out, 3 of the 4 panel members had quite the mutual interest, as they all worked for Fairlife. Charlie Stone’s relation to the other three is unknown at the time.

Anders Porter: Fairlife Communications Director
Mike McColskey: Founder of Fairlife and Select Milk Producers, inc.
De Jong: Vice Chairman at Select Milk Producers, inc. and board member at Fairlife.

Quite clearly, this is a GMO promotional campaign. The people on this panel were not there to discuss organic foods and family farms, they were there to promote GMOs to the organic market.