
Dangers of Sugar: Secrets of Sugar Industry Exposed

Americans have been warned for years about the dangers of eating too much fat or salt, but the media has been relatively silent about sugar, in spite of the country’s rising rates of obesity and failing health.

Copious research have been published about the many ways excess sugar can damage your health, yet industry continues to defend it—science be damned.

They want you to continue believing the outdated myth that saturated fat is to blame, instead of sugar. Nevertheless, the wheels of progress continue to turn.

July 25, 2015 | Source: | by Dr. Mercola

Americans have been warned for years about the dangers of eating too much fat or salt, but the media has been relatively silent about sugar, in spite of the country’s rising rates of obesity and failing health.

Copious research have been published about the many ways excess sugar can damage your health, yet industry continues to defend it—science be damned.

They want you to continue believing the outdated myth that saturated fat is to blame, instead of sugar. Nevertheless, the wheels of progress continue to turn.

An influential group of medical researchers has been relentless in spreading the word about the strong associations between sugar consumption and the rising rates of obesity and major diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

This is not “news” to the food industry. They’ve actually been hiding the real science about sugar for decades—devising ways to get you even MORE addicted to their products, regardless of the consequences to your health.

It’s time for everyone to know the truth about the sugar industry’s deceptions. In 2012, science journalist and author Gary Taubes partnered with Cristin Kearns Couzens to write “Big Sugar’s Sweet Little Lies.”1 In their exposé, featured in Mother Jones, they write:

“For 40 years, the sugar industry’s priority has been to shed doubt on studies suggesting its product makes people sick. On federal panels, industry-funded scientists cited industry-funded studies to dismiss sugar as a culprit.”

The Secret World of the Sugar Industry

 The documentary “The Secrets of Sugar” tells the story of how the food industry has known for decades about the links between a processed food diet and disease.

On a mission to change how the sugar industry operates, Colorado Community Care Dentist Cristin Kearns Couzens stumbled upon evidence that they were already worried about sugar’s role in heart disease as far back as the early 1970s.

Couzens unearthed more than 1,500 pages of internal memos, letters, and reports, buried in the archives of now-defunct sugar companies, as well as in the recently released papers of deceased researchers and consultants who played key roles in the industry’s strategy.

The sugar industry was sweating the impending book Pure White and Deadly (1972) by British nutritionist John Yudkin, in which he presented decades of research pointing at dietary sugar—rather than fat—as the underlying factor in obesity and diabetes.

The Sugar Association secretly funded a white paper called “Sugar in the Diet of Man” that claimed sugar was not only safe and healthy, but important. Not only did they fund it, but they made it appear to be an independent study.

The Sugar Association’s biggest apologist was Ancel Keyes who, with industry funding, helped destroy Yudkin’s reputation by labeling him a quack. The smear campaign was a huge success, bringing sugar research to a screeching halt.