Excess Deaths Are on the Rise – But Not Because of COVID.

While I suspect the vaccinations are the cause of the excess deaths, I cannot prove it without a lot more autopsy data or additional statistics that are not being supplied. It seems that there are less autopsies being performed than usual, however. Even though their purpose is to elucidate unexplained deaths.

April 1, 2023 | Source: Meryl's COVID Newsletter | by Meryl Nass

Hat tip to Daniel Horowitz of the Blaze for pointing out the Telegraph article (see below) and supplying the Canadian data. The full text of the Telegraph article is at the bottom of this piece.

While I suspect the vaccinations are the cause of the excess deaths, I cannot prove it without a lot more autopsy data or additional statistics that are not being supplied. It seems that there are less autopsies being performed than usual, however. Even though their purpose is to elucidate unexplained deaths.

The governments of the US and UK know exactly who was vaccinated, and when, and they know the diagnoses on the death certificates for every death. Don’t believe the excuses that it takes weeks and months to gather these data. A funeral parlor cannot pick up a body from the hospital until the death certificate has been completed. The state gets the death certificate within hours of a death. What they then do with the data is the question. In the US, the Centers for Deception and Confabulation bury it.