FDA Doesn’t Want You to Detox

Your ability to detoxify is in grave danger as the FDA threatens to ban compounded glutathione. Help us protect access. Action Alert!

April 1, 2023 | Source: Alliance for Natural Health | by

Your ability to detoxify is in grave danger as the FDA threatens to ban compounded glutathione. Help us protect access. Action Alert!

For the last few weeks, we’ve been telling you about the threat to compounded glutathione, one of the most important substances made by the human body. Glutathione helps with many ailments, but one of its most important functions is in detoxification—removing harmful foreign compounds from the body. Given the deluge of unregulated toxic chemicals we are exposed to in the modern world, our ability to detoxify to stay healthy is more important than ever. We must protect access to compounded glutathione.

Why detoxify in the first place? On one end of the spectrum, you may not have a disease, but simply don’t feel well. You may have low energy, brain fog, achy joints, gas, or any number of symptoms. Detoxifying can be a solution. Detoxification can also be part of treating or preventing disease. Emerging research is showing that chronic disease is caused by exposure to toxins in the environment, like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, pesticides, BPA, and others. Joseph Pizzorno, ND has estimated that as much as 90 percent of the diabetes epidemic is due to exposure to environmental toxins. These toxins can also play a role in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Pizzorno estimates, for example, that 20 percent of asthma cases are caused by mold; that number jumps to 67 percent if the asthma is adult-onset. Preventing the accumulation of these toxins by regular detoxification could be one way to stave off these illnesses that affect millions of Americans.