The results of the first ever study on the ability of humans to recognize the taste of pesticides in wine have been published in the Food and Nutrition Journal.

Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini and the chef Jérôme Douzelet’s study involved 195 blind tests carried out by professionals from the wine and culinary industry.

Firstly, 16 pairs of organic and non-organic wines were produced in 7 French regions. The same varieties of grapes were grown both organically and conventionally on the same soils (in neighbouring vineyards), in the same climate and in the same year

The resulting wines were tested for over 250 pesticides. Traces of pesticides were present only in one of the organic wines. In contrast, 4686 ppb of different pesticides were detected in total in the non-organic wines, with a mean of 293 ± 270 [0-1144] ppb reached by 6 pesticides – mostly fungicides and glyphosate-based herbicides.

195 blind tests were then carried out with 71 different people on different days. Organic wines were preferred an amazing 77% of the time.