George Monbiot Teams up With Mark Lynas and the Ecomodernists to Reboot Food

George Monbiot recently tweeted that he was “excited to announce the upcoming launch of a radical new campaign I’ve been working on with RePlanet, called Reboot Food”. That campaign draws heavily on ideas in Monbiot’s latest book Regenesis, which champions “precision-fermentation” as a techno-fix for feeding the world on animal-free protein and fats while freeing up vast areas of farm land for rewilding.

April 1, 2023 | Source: GMWatch | by Jonathan Matthews

George Monbiot recently tweeted that he was “excited to announce the upcoming launch of a radical new campaign I’ve been working on with RePlanet, called Reboot Food”. That campaign draws heavily on ideas in Monbiot’s latest book Regenesis, which champions “precision-fermentation” as a techno-fix for feeding the world on animal-free protein and fats while freeing up vast areas of farm land for rewilding. But Reboot Food also draws on the dubious agenda of those behind a new organisation called RePlanet, which is receiving a massive boost from Monbiot’s involvement in its campaign.

And Monbiot’s involvement is far from incidental. It has taken a lot of careful planning and already includes:

• a specially recorded RePlanet video titled “let’s have George explain it” on the Reboot Food home page
• Monbiot speaking at a special webinar marking the launch of the Reboot Food campaign
• Monbiot undertaking a live speaking tour that will take him to four different European countries, where his appearances will be hosted by RePlanet member organisations.