
How Gluten and Modern Food Processing Contribute to Poor Health

“Gluten: A Gut Feeling” investigates the health effects of gluten. In recent years, the benefits of a gluten-free diet have become widely recognized, its popularity fueled by celebrity endorsements and an increasing number of books.

This includes The New York Times Best Seller, “Grain Brain,” written by Dr. David Perlmutter, a neurologist, in which he reveals how processed grains can trigger neurological dysfunction and worsen dementia.

July 2, 2016 | Source: Mercola | by Dr. Joseph Mercola

“Gluten: A Gut Feeling” investigates the health effects of gluten. In recent years, the benefits of a gluten-free diet have become widely recognized, its popularity fueled by celebrity endorsements and an increasing number of books.

This includes The New York Times Best Seller, “Grain Brain,” written by Dr. David Perlmutter, a neurologist, in which he reveals how processed grains can trigger neurological dysfunction and worsen dementia.

My own book on this subject, “The No-Grain Diet,” was published 13 years ago in 2003. My clinical recommendation included eliminating gluten as a first line intervention before I would further fine-tune a patient’s diet.

For those with celiac disease, a severe gastrointestinal (GI) reaction to gluten, a gluten-free diet is vital. But physicians are also starting to recognize that many have some level of gluten intolerance or sensitivity, and fare better on a gluten-free diet even if they don’t have celiac disease.