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Kevin Folta Caught Again

Professor Kevin Folta, Chair of the University of Florida's Horticultural Sciences Department, is at it again, getting himself into more trouble. Over the last several years he’s been exposed by the New York Times, among others, for lying about “having nothing to do with Monsanto.” He even claimed not to take Monsanto’s money, despite being given $25,000.

May 27, 2018 | Source: GMO Free USA | by

Professor Kevin Folta, Chair of the University of Florida’s Horticultural Sciences Department, is at it again, getting himself into more trouble. Over the last several years he’s been exposed by the New York Times, among others, for lying about “having nothing to do with Monsanto.” He even claimed not to take Monsanto’s money, despite being given $25,000. https://usrtk.org/our-investigations/kevin-folta

The University of Florida has chosen to ignore Dr. Folta’s various misdeeds, as industry loves him, and their corporate dollars keep flowing into UF’s coffers. But new revelations mean they must finally take action.

His estranged wife has made completely new accusations about his trying to “hide corporate monies”, and thousands of shares and tens of thousands of dollars may be involved. https://www.gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/1827

Worse still, a women’s shelter has refused to accept his donations because their director allegedly saw him kicking his wife.