Scientists have been warning of a possible medical catastrophe from an epidemic of antibiotic resistant superbugs.  Manuka honey may be a natural and ancient solution to a modern health disaster.

For years doctors have been overprescribing antibiotics.  A University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine study found physicians commonly use antibiotics to treat hospitalized patients with acute viral respiratory track infections, in spite of the fact antibiotics are known to be ineffective for these infections.[i]

And the growing popularity of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers contributes to the saturation of the world in antibacterials. 

As a result, many scientists have been warning of a possible medical catastrophe from an epidemic of antibiotic resistant superbugs. The CDC itself announced a few years ago that conventional antibiotic-based approaches to infections were hopeless against so-called ‘nightmare bacteria.’ Fortunately, manuka honey may be a natural and ancient solution to a modern health disaster.