A new study published by researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests 1 in 4 adults (27.5 percent) worldwide is getting insufficient exercise as measured by WHO guidelines.1 After analyzing 358 population-based surveys involving 1.9 million participants representing 168 countries, the study authors concluded more than 1.4 billion adults are at risk of “developing or exacerbating diseases linked to inactivity.”2

This is unfortunate news considering the WHO recommendations represent minimum levels of activity. I believe you need more exercise and movement on a daily basis than they recommend to achieve optimal health. In my experience, most health conditions can be improved by exercise and you can often lower your risk of chronic disease simply by exercising regularly.

Exercise also positively affects your brain and mental health, among other benefits. Keep reading to find out how you can avoid becoming a global statistic for inactivity.

WHO Study Suggests 1 in 4 Adults Worldwide Face Increased Risk of Disease Due to Inactivity

The WHO study, published in The Lancet Global Health,3 asserts 27.5 percent of adults worldwide do not meet the WHO’s exercise guidelines of at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week (or a combination of both).

Survey participants, who represent about 96 percent of the world’s population, self-reported the physical activity they achieved related to work, household tasks, leisure time and transportation. While the new data represents a slight improvement from 2001, when the global inactivity rate was 28.5 percent, the study authors noted the results are problematic.

They suggested inactivity is a significant problem that needs to be “urgently addressed.”4 They also stated, “If current trends continue, the [WHO’s] 2025 global physical activity target — a 10 percent relative reduction in insufficient physical activity — will not be met.5 Given the fact 1 in 4 adults does not perform the recommended amount of weekly exercise, the study authors suggest nonexercisers are putting themselves at increased risk of chronic diseases linked to inactivity.

They cited other studies validating the link between exercise and a lower risk of breast and colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. The researchers also assert physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, delay the onset of dementia and positively affect your mental health. Time and CNN highlighted the following additional information about the WHO surveys:6,7,8

More data was available for high-income than low-income countries

Exercise rates in high-income nations tended to be less than those in low-income countries, partly because of differences in work and transportation

Women were shown to get less exercise than men: Globally, 23.4 percent of men and 31.7 percent of women did not meet the WHO guidelines for exercise in 2016

From 2001 to 2016, rates of physical inactivity in high-income Western nations increased from 31.6 percent to 36.8 percent, whereas rates in low-income countries remained stable at around 16 percent

In 2016, women in Latin America and the Caribbean, south Asia and high-income Western countries were the groups least likely to get sufficient amounts of exercise

The highest activity levels among men recorded in 2016 were found in Oceania, east and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where jobs, chores and transportation often require greater physical exertion as compared to other regions

Mozambique and Uganda, where just 6 percent of adults fell short of the WHO’s goal in 2016, were noted as having the highest population of exercising adults

About the outcomes, Walter Thompson, associate dean and professor of kinesiology and health at Georgia State University, who was not involved in the study, told CNN,9 “Physical inactivity is pandemic and not a characteristic of low-income or high-income countries. It is prevalent in every country and has the same impact on chronic disease.”

Thompson wisely noted public policy has had little to no effect on physical activity patterns worldwide. He added, “[The] WHO admits the current strategies are not working and new tactics are needed to [increase] physical activity in all countries.”10

The study authors commented similarly, saying, “Our data show progress toward the global target set by WHO member states to reduce physical inactivity by 10 percent by 2025 has been too slow and is not on track. A significant increase in national action is urgently needed in most countries to scale up implementation of effective policies.”11

The Dangers of Too Much Sitting

You may be getting tired of hearing about the dangers of sitting. No matter, the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle continue to be raised to public awareness mainly because the message is important. In addition, it’s clear from the WHO surveys not enough people are listening and even fewer are making the necessary changes.

We live in an age of many wonderful, modern conveniences designed to make our lives easier and more productive. While some of the advances are genuinely helpful, others are driving activity, work and movement out of our daily lives.

Given the growing cultural attachment to screens and technology, some folks spend the majority of their waking hours moving from one chair (or similar piece of furniture) to another at home, work and during transportation. A study published in the American Journal of Nursing12 highlights some of the serious health risks associated with sitting too long.

Study author Linda Eanes, assistant professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley school of nursing, conducted a literature review from 2003 to 2017 to identify research focused on high-volume sitting or prolonged uninterrupted sitting. Based on her analysis of 41 articles, Eanes concluded prolonged sitting:13,14

  • Slows your metabolism, which in turn affects your body’s ability to regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as to shed body fat
  • Increases your risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes
  • In conjunction with obesity, puts you at increased risk of certain cancers, including breast, colon, endometrial and lung cancer


I have often mentioned the importance of exercise as a prevention strategy for Type 2 diabetes. As noted in the ABC News video above, if you are diabetic and not yet convinced of the benefits of exercise, you may be interested to know at least 28 studies15,16,17 suggest the timing and quantity of exercise you get play a significant role in managing the disease.

Researchers note chronic sitting is particularly detrimental for diabetics, whereas short breaks to walk or do resistance exercises have been shown to reduce the blood lipids associated with inflammation.18