baby vaccine injection

Vaccination Rates: Parents Deserve to Know More

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently reported that the federal government has directed all public and private schools to publish vaccination and personal belief vaccine exemption rates, even though less than 1.7 percent of kindergarten children have any vaccine exemptions and less than 1 percent of children under 36 months old are unvaccinated.

This Centers for Disease Control (CDC) directive comes at a time when nationwide, 94 percent of kindergarten students have gotten multiple doses of federally recommended vaccines for the past three decades, including five doses of pertussis and two doses of measles containing vaccines.

October 13, 2015 | Source: Mercola | by Dr. Mercola

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently reported that the federal government has directed all public and private schools to publish vaccination and personal belief vaccine exemption rates, even though less than 1.7 percent of kindergarten children have any vaccine exemptions and less than 1 percent of children under 36 months old are unvaccinated.1,2,3

This Centers for Disease Control (CDC) directive comes at a time when nationwide, 94 percent of kindergarten students have gotten multiple doses of federally recommended vaccines for the past three decades,4 including five doses of pertussis and two doses of measles containing vaccines.

But what the CDC is not telling parents is the rest of the story about the real health status of school children in America.

Perhaps the CDC is pursuing higher and higher vaccination rates and gutting vaccine exemptions to try to take attention away from the chronic disease and disability epidemic sweeping through classrooms that makes it harder and harder for children to learn and be healthy.

California: CDC’s Role Model

California is serving as the CDC’s role model for how states can go about shaming schools with less than a 95 percent vaccine coverage rate and blaming students with non-medical vaccine exemptions for endangering the public health.

After California health officials joined with the liability-free pharmaceutical and medical trade industries this year to lobby for elimination of the personal belief vaccine exemption (PBE) so they could segregate partially and unvaccinated children into homeschools,5 they created a new website with an interactive map.

There they posted the names and addresses of kindergarten and middle schools; the numbers of children enrolled; the personal belief exemption (PBE) rate; up to date (UTD) vaccination rate, and the coverage rates for nine state mandated vaccines, including DPT, polio, MMR, hepatitis B, and varicella zoster vaccines.6