Report argues that transformation to an equitable, sustainable future is possible.

Here’s an offer you can’t refuse, but very likely will.

By 2050, Canada could not only meet its Paris Agreement emissions targets, it could help keep global warming well below the two-degree Celsius increase that would lead to “Hothouse Earth.”

What’s more, all nine billion of us on Earth in 2050 could be living pretty well, because Canada, like the rest of the world, would have achieved most of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals we signed on to in 2015. 

So by 2030 we would have ended poverty everywhere (including Canada), eliminated hunger, ensured health and education for all, attained gender equality and provided clean water and sanitation to everyone.

And those are just the first six Sustainable Development Goals. Climate change is goal 13, and in 2050 we would have a grip on that as well.

What’s the catch? Ruinously expensive?