hands united together over a mountain landscape

Deals & Decisions


Please help us stand up for a better food and farming system. Please help us stand up for you. Thank you. &hashtags=ThursdayThoughts | Please help us stand up for a better food and farming system. Please help us stand up for you. Thank you. &hashtags=ThursdayThoughts | Read the Full Article

“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory and a sterner sense of justice than we do.” – Wendell Berry

If you want to know why chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow, and factory farm corporations like Tyson and Costco (yes, Costco) are allowed to get away with poisoning the environment with cancer-causing chemicals, and selling “cheap” food contaminated with all manner of drug and pesticide residues, look no further than your political “leaders.”

Politicians write the rules for who can grow what food, and how. And those rules are stacked in favor of giant corporations, not family farmers—and not consumers.

But what the majority of politicians have not yet figured out, is that the laws of nature trump the laws written and passed, whether by state or federal legislatures. And sooner or later—sooner, according to environmental and climate scientists—the “deals and decisions” made between greedy, reckless corporations and the politicians they fund, will face Mother Nature’s harsh judgment.

We’d love to ignore the world of dirty politics. Unfortunately, we can’t . . . not if we want to clean up our food. And our rivers, streams, oceans and soils. And the very air we breathe.

Please help us stand up for a better food and farming system. Please help us stand up for you. Thank you.

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